Happy Valentine’s Day! My gift to you is this throwback No, YOU Tell It!#podcast featuring one storyteller getting out in the world after a breakup and the other meeting his fiancée’s judgy relatives for the first time.
No, YOU Tell It! storytellers Shelley Gazes and Mark Woollett swap stories on the spot.
From top left clockwise: Heather Quinlan, Sokunthary Svay, Gail Thomas, Charlotte Marchant, Nita Noveno, Calvin S. Cato, Nancy Agabian, Nicole Shawan Junior.
We were rehearsing for our first show at Sunnyside Plays and looking forward to an in-person Lambda Literary story swap when COVID-19 cases exploded in NYC back in March. Our future quickly became uncertain and we weren’t sure if we’d be swapping stories ever again.
Despite technical difficulties, a different genre of performance, and a huge learning curve, we were pleased to deliver two virtual story swaps. We hope listening to the stories provided a needed respite.
Storytelling has both the power to elicit empathy and create connection, and though we couldn’t physically be together we hope both of these things came through the screen. We’re especially grateful to everyone who came out to support the storytellers. And if you missed the shows, check out our podcast!
Thank you so much to our storytellers, partners and sponsors, producers, and especially our audiences for making the best out of this chaotic virtual year.
Shows like these are possible because of your support – if you’d like to donate, you can do so here: thefield.org/sa/620242
Listen to story swaps from our live shows on the No, YOU Tell It! podcast at noyoutellit.com (available on iTunes, AudioBoom, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts).
In the spirit of Giving Tuesday and considering the question of “Why?” … Why donate to No, YOU Tell It! Why do I, personally, put so much work in? The answer resides in these words of trepidation that I often hear from participants about the value of their personal story:
“Why had I agreed to do this? Who was I to even attempt a prose form? A performance piece? Why did I think I deserved to have any kind of attention?” – poet Pichchenda Bao, NYTI “aMuse”
The NYTI creative team gives each show our all because we believe:
Everything we do is worth witnessing storytellers speak each other’s words aloud to empower their voices on the page and stage. In 2019, we:
Worked with 17 storytellers
Curated 3 live shows
Plus 1 special student story swap event!
Produced 6 new podcast episodes
All to give life and attention to the value of each other’s stories.
As of today, we need 23 people to donate $25 to REACH our 2019 goal of $5000 raised! Can you be one of them?
Adored working with the amazing students in Legal Outreach’s College Bound program. Swapping stories No, YOU Tell It! style this past Saturday gave participants and audience members a new perspective on what they want to shine forth with their college application essays.
Poets and stand-ups have developed their nonfiction stories inspired by the theme “aMuse” on the page. Join us TONIGHT as they trade true tales on stage!
4 storytellers, 3 creative team members, 2 two-hour story workshops to develop the pieces on the page, 1 personalized rehearsal session with each storyteller to help them best embody their partner’s story on stage = an unforgettable evening of No, YOU Tell It! “Snapped!” stories for a PACKED house at Dixon Place.
Pictured left to right: Mike Dressel, Robb Leigh Davis, Mariam Bazeed, Erika Iverson, Kent D. Wolf, Naomi Gordon Loebl and ME. Photo credit: Ariel Mahler
Any amount is welcome and needed. Another way to help is to SPREAD THE WORD. Subscribe to the No, YOU Tell It! podcast on iTunes, AudioBoom, or noyoutellit.com. Like No, You Tell It! on Facebook Folllow @NoYouTellIt on Twitter Forget us not on Insta at noyoutellit
Thank you again to our amazing audience last night and a special shout out to Lambda Literary for helping us curate this invigorating evening of Queer Storytelling with a Twist.
Happy Pride everyone!! Keep the storytelling going!