Coming & Going Podcasts Available

Top: Calvin S. Cato and Bottom: Nicole Shawan Junior swap stories in Ep 54.
Top: Charlotte Marchant and Bottom: Nancy Agabian swap stories in Ep 55

What a blast teaming up with Lambda Literary to produce our first virtual No, YOU Tell It! show, which was also an official 2020 Brooklyn Book Festival Bookend Event.

Episode 54 follows a comic finding a new side to himself when he pretends to be someone else in Florida and two lovers who seek comfort in each other’s sanitized arms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Episode 55 features a dad who escapes quarantine and a platonic prison relationship!

We also asked each storyteller that if we, the listeners, wished to summon them directly to our room what three items might we place in a magic circle to do so. As you see and will hear, a wide variety of ingredients are needed to complete the spell!

Give a listen to these dynamic story swaps on the No, YOU Tell It! podcast. Available at and all the podcasting places.

Coming & Going TONIGHT!

Honored to have spent the last couple of weeks with these fantastic storytellers as we worked together to developed their true-life tales inspired by the theme “Coming & Going” on the page.

No, YOU Tell It! “Coming & Going” Crew

Join us tonight at 7:30 as they trade tales and take the virtual stage to tell each other’s stories.

Click here for show program and all the info on how to join us via Zoom!

Added Summerfuel Sessions

Summerfuel Virtual Campus
PHOTO CREDIT: SHAHAR AZRAN (Instagram ShaharAzran1)

Summerfuel’s virtual college admissions preparation program is extending into August!! Click here to learn more.

High school students receive support navigating college admissions while connecting with peers from all over the globe. So far, I’ve had the honor of helping students who are in Romania, Russia, Venezuela, and various states in the US, including Puerto Rico, share in the value of their life experience as we find and focus their college essay.

Feel free to contact me at with questions.

Happy 80th Sir Patrick Stewart!

Art: MRCokeley Design

Happy Birthday, Patrick Stewart! Last fall, I had the honor of writing about how the iconic Jean-Luc Picard is my hero – in any time period.

Click here to read The Strength of Jean-Luc Picard on Humungus.

Follow @SirPatStew on Twitter for #ASonnetADay. His 80th Sonnet came on the eve of his 80th birthday.

Please wear a mask for all the reasons but if for no other reason than to keep Sir Patrick Stewart safe!

Questionable Caretaker

The All-American Aversion to Showing Weakness Does More Harm Than Good

I didn’t imagine that leaving New York to go take care of my parents for the summer would be easy. It never occurred to me, however, that the hardest part would be making the Floridians around us wear masks.

Here, doing the one thing that dramatically reduces COVID-19 transmission is often viewed as acting like a “liberal baby.” This is a rub because the cultural pressure to not show weakness is how my family got in this mess.

Click here to read about Days 1-10 of my caretaking adventures on Medium.