Happy 2022!

What an amazing year! We celebrated the 10-year anniversary of No, YOU Tell It! with three stellar shows you can still WATCH online.
- WATCH No, YOU Tell It! “Anniversary Apart” – Kicking off our anniversary season in January, watch storytellers Chris Crowthers, Gaby Martineau, and Jenna Struble swap tales from our virtual show, “Anniversary Apart”
- WATCH No, YOU Tell It! “What I Know” – In celebration of March being women’s history month, storytellers developed true tales inspired by the theme “What I Know” on the page. Watch them step into each other’s life experiences on stage. Featuring: Michele Carlo, Julia Granacki, Hannah Leland, and Sheria Mattis
- WATCH No, YOU Tell It! “Punch Up” – For our September Brooklyn Book Festival Book End Event, storytellers who write for the page and the stage developed true stories inspired by the theme “Punch Up.” Featuring: Jenn Wehrung, Aida Zilelian, Matt Storrs, and Maria Rubio. Plus, guest host Ellie Dvorkin Dunn
In November, we also launched the No, YOU Tell It! Ten-Year Anthology 2022 with the first in-person event at The Astoria Bookshop since March 2020.

If you haven’t purchased your copy, the anthology is not just a powerhouse collection but provides behind-the-scenes insights into starting and growing a literary series over a decade.
Available at The Astoria Bookshop and Amazon. The eBook has links to listen to the live performances of all the stories via the No, YOU Tell It! podcast. Buy a copy and spread the word to support ten more years!
2022 also marked the return to my memoir-writing residency with the seventh graders in New Jersey.

Plus, new in-person creative writing workshops at Sunnyside Arts

More news on 2023 soon! Click here to subscribe to my weekly newsletter.
All my best this holiday season,
Kelly Jean
Please consider No, YOU Tell It! in your end-of-year giving
Click here to support 10 more years!
By making a tax-deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor, The Field.