Corona Chronicle Winner

NEWS: Honored to announce that I was named the second-place winner of The Corona Chronicle Essay Contest and will have my essay published in the forthcoming anthology from Ellipsis Rare Books.

50% of all proceeds from submissions to this charitable, community history writing project, collecting the unique perspectives of New Yorkers living through an uncertain period in the City’s history will be donated to the Food Bank For New York City.

Ophelia at 30

The Palm Circle Press Short Story Anthology, which includes my piece, “Ophelia at 30,” as well as awesome work by a number of talented writers is officially available in ebook and paperback. Click here to grab yourself a copy.

I’m thrilled to have my story included in this diverse collection. Here’s a few words from the foreword:

I’m so incredibly proud of this anthology. I’m proudest of how the diversity in these stories abstractly synchs with their similarities. There’s an odd alchemy at work. There’s a touching love poem written by a 105-year-old woman. There’s a story about a woman murdering her husband to escape his abuse. There’s even a story about alien abduction…

Lee Anderson, Palm Circle Press

College Essay Coaching

If you are looking to provide support for the rising juniors and seniors in your academic community, I offer private coaching, a single-session group workshop focused on generating ideas for their college essays, or a two-week/weekend intensive where we will create and revise multiple drafts.

I’m excited to share that I’m leading two such intensives, Stand-Out Stories: Personal Essays for College Applications and Beyond, this July & August at The Center for Fiction.

My goal is to help students find and craft a focused, personal story that opens a window into their unique character for admissions officers—while also being respectful of the trauma many of them are still processing due to the pandemic and our country’s continued civil unrest.

I’m presently booking online offerings for the summer and am open to both in-person and online sessions in the fall. Reach out!